Troll Co.


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Troll Co. Clothing

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jobs | trolls | troll


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My friends and I would jokingly compare ourselves to trolls after a long workday, with our dirty clothes and messy hair. However, due to the influence of internet culture, the term 'troll' has taken on a new connotation. Nowadays, it refers to people who hide behind screens, spreading negativity. We're committed to redefining troll as a symbol of resilience, representing our hardworking nature that refuses to back down.

Trade careers are super cool and just as rewarding and lucrative as those high-end office positions. However, the issue is that there's a scarcity of skilled young talent in the trades, leading to a significant gap on the horizon. It's crucial that we abandon the outdated notion that trade jobs are less prestigious and actively promote these professions as the cool and sought-after choices for the younger generation.

If you have a strong interest in pursuing a trade, download our app and jumpstart your path towards an impressive and rewarding career.


Not everybody is destined for a career as a lawyer or dentist, and that's perfectly fine. Have you considered the equally rewarding and profitable world of trade jobs? These roles allow you to take pride in your accomplishments, as you can say, "I created that!" after a day's work. However, the problem lies in the declining number of young individuals entering the trades, leading to a significant gap in skilled labor supply.

It's essential to change our mindset and acknowledge the significance of trade jobs, considering them on par with other professions. Rather than discouraging young people from entering these fields, we should actively promote them and provide ample support. By doing so, we'll foster a highly skilled and capable trades workforce ready to tackle any challenge.

If you have an interest in the trades and aspire to launch your career, seize our app as your gateway to a promising and lucrative future within the trade industry.


Trades occupations play a pivotal role in our economic well-being, and it's crucial that we encourage a larger number of skilled young individuals to enter this field. We must shift our perception, acknowledging the equal worth of trade jobs alongside prestigious careers, and actively inspire the younger generation to embrace these career paths.

Supporting and celebrating blue-collar occupations ensures a strong and impressive skilled workforce. These jobs, though humble, can be equally rewarding and lucrative, matching the appeal of white-collar jobs. Workers can take immense pride in their accomplishments, feeling a sense of accomplishment like, "I contributed to that!" at the end of the day.

To become a part of the trading world, simply download our app and embark on an incredible professional journey. Let's collaborate to ensure that trading remains dynamic and exhilarating for the foreseeable future.


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