Know Yourself Personality Test
Excel At Life
personality | tests | test
The personality profile app is really awesome! It offers over 40 tests that explore more than 100 personality traits. These tests are supported by psychological research and are created to enhance self-awareness and personal growth. Additionally, there are tests available to assess love compatibility, as well as understand friendships and relationships. You can even compare your results with friends who take the tests on the same device or save your scores for later reference.
The app is incredibly awesome as it allows you to create your own personality profile! All you need to do is take some enjoyable tests to discover your amazing traits and qualities. Once you have completed a test, you can enhance your profile by selecting statements that best describe you and copying them. You can even customize your profile and share it with your friends. Additionally, the app provides information on how well you get along with your friends when comparing your results. How cool!
This application focuses on personality assessment and is developed by a reputable psychologist well-versed in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). Its primary goal is to assist individuals in improving self-awareness and determining compatibility with others. Users have the option to save their test results and secure them with a password for confidentiality. It is important to note that some tests may seem repetitive, obvious, or dull. Nevertheless, they are designed to aid in gaining clarity about oneself and providing guidance.
Discover more about yourself! Developed by a psychologist, this amazing tool features over 40 tests and assesses 100 different traits.