Filo Edtech Inc
Filo is an amazing app that connects you with skilled tutors quickly. You can have personalized video sessions with them to receive assistance with your assignments, homework, exams, and even grasp difficult concepts. What's more, there are over 2.2 million students worldwide using Filo, making it the largest tutor community. They offer support in subjects such as Math, SAT prep, PSAT prep, school exams, physics, and chemistry. If you require help with school-related tasks, Filo is the perfect solution for you!
Filo is dedicated to customizing and simplifying learning for each student. We have developed an innovative platform that connects tutors and students through technology. It feels like engaging in a genuine conversation with your very own tutor!
Filo is a fantastic app for students! It's similar to having a personal tutor accessible on your phone. You can engage in one-on-one video sessions with professionals who will thoroughly explain each step until you grasp it. Additionally, you have the freedom to interrupt them and ask as many questions as necessary to eliminate any confusion. Say goodbye to struggling on your own!
Filo is the perfect study companion for students in grades 8-12. Simply ask your question and a knowledgeable tutor will provide assistance. It offers comprehensive resources for physics, chemistry, math, biology, and English for grades 6-12. In addition, Filo is available 24/7 to help with preparation for exams such as SAT, ACT, AP, or GED. Ideal for students looking to improve their understanding of various subjects like math, science, English, physics, chemistry, biology and more. The best part is that you can access Filo anytime to clarify any doubts.
Do you require assistance with your homework? Are you seeking help with assignments, SAT, IELTS, ACT, or GED? Our online tutors are accessible round the clock to offer support!