TryBaby — первый прикорм
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It's a good idea to consult with a pediatrician before introducing solid foods or making changes to your baby's diet. Fortunately, the TryBaby app is available to assist you! Simply enter some information about your child and voila - you'll receive helpful advice on when to start introducing various foods. But wait, there's more! This app allows you to track the foods your baby has tried, provides daily menus, and helps you create a customized feeding plan. Additionally, it offers useful features such as pausing or restarting the plan, swapping out foods if needed, and noting any allergic reactions. How convenient is that?
In the coming days, the TryBaby app will be updating its features to allow for personalization before your baby arrives. You can now input information for multiple children and access articles on feeding and caring for babies. Additionally, the app will provide simple recipes for nutritious meals for your little one. If you enjoy using this app, be sure to share it on social media with the hashtag #TryBaby.
Feel free to reach out to the TryBaby app team anytime with questions or ideas. They are dedicated to making the app the best it can be and value input from users. Don't hesitate to contact them if you have something to say - they welcome feedback from parents and use it to make improvements.
[email protected]
Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or comments! The TryBaby app is fantastic for assisting parents in introducing solid foods to their children and developing a customized feeding schedule.
TryBaby helps you create a complementary feeding schedule