Easy GPS
Maps & Navigation
Maps & Navigation
Maps & Navigation
gps | app | latitude
The Easy GPS app is extremely useful for obtaining real-time GPS coordinates for various activities. You can easily view your location on Google Maps and share it with friends. The app displays your latitude, longitude, altitude, and signal accuracy. You can also share your coordinates through social media or email. Additionally, you have the option to save the GPS coordinates of your favorite locations and customize the settings for light or dark mode. The best part is that there is no need to log in, and all saved places remain private without being stored or shared elsewhere. Another great feature is the ability to search for addresses using latitude and longitude and locate them on the map. The developers encourage users to leave reviews and ratings to help improve the app for future use. Give it a try!
Simply put, the Easy GPS app is extremely useful for obtaining real-time GPS coordinates. It provides essential information such as latitude, longitude, altitude, and signal accuracy. Users can easily share their coordinates and save their favorite locations. Additionally, the app can be personalized to suit individual preferences without requiring a login. Users can also search for addresses using latitude and longitude and view them on the map. The developers of the app value user feedback, reviews, and ratings to continuously improve the app.
Easy GPS is truly the easiest way to share or keep track of your favorite locations.