HACK for Hacker News Tech
News & Magazines
News & Magazines
News & Magazines
hackernews | hacker | hack
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The HACK app for Hacker News is incredibly user-friendly and amazing, allowing you to easily keep up with the latest programming, startup, science, technology, engineering, and math news. You can engage in activities such as voting, favoriting, commenting, and even submitting your own posts. Additionally, you will receive push notifications for replies. The greatest aspect of this app is that it is completely customizable and contains no irritating advertisements or subscription fees.
Section 2:
The HACK app for Hacker News is an amazing tool that allows you to perform a variety of impressive tasks! You can either sign in or register for your Hacker News account. Plus, you'll also receive push notifications for responses! How convenient is that?
Section 3:
The HACK app for Hacker News is completely independent from Y Combinator, and all the interesting stories and comments are sourced from Algolia API and Hacker News API. The cool profile pictures you see are generated by Robohash.org. Pran has developed an ad-free, analytics-free, and visually appealing app for an exceptional user experience. If you're enjoying the app, please show some support by leaving a positive rating on the app store!
Developer coding technology startup STEM & science news