Smart Card ATR Analyzer
Libraries & Demo
Libraries & Demo
Libraries & Demo
SC & Droid
ccid | card | iso7816
This application is a useful tool that allows you to connect a USB smart card reader to your Android device and retrieve all the valuable Answer To Reset (ATR) data from the smart card. Additionally, it translates this complex ATR data into simple English for easy comprehension.
Just wanted to let you know that this app is designed for USB CCID smart card readers and ISO7816 smart cards. Please ensure that your smart card reader is CCID compatible and your smart card meets ISO7816 standards. Also, please note that this app is not compatible with NFC or Bluetooth smart card readers.
Overall, this application simplifies the process of connecting a USB CCID smart card reader to an Android device for users to retrieve ATR data from ISO7816 smart cards. Additionally, it allows users to analyze ISO7816-3 information in a user-friendly manner. It is very convenient!
Extract the information from the smart card and translate it into a user-friendly format.