U.S. Bank Instant Card™
U.S. Bank Mobile
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The U.S. Bank Instant Card™ is an innovative digital payment tool that enables businesses to empower their employees and contractors to make business purchases. It functions as a virtual credit card accessible on your phone. With Instant Card, authorized individuals can instantly generate and send virtual cards, eliminating the need for personal credit cards or reimbursement requests. The app allows users to set limits, activate the card with a single click, and recipients can conveniently register and add the virtual card to Google Pay.
In order to use Instant Card, you must be a U.S. Bank Instant Card customer. If you are interested, simply contact U.S. Bank at 800.344.5696. Once approved, they will send you an email invitation with instructions on how to download the app and sign up. Once set up, you can create a virtual card by selecting the spending limit and expiration date, inputting the recipient's information, and sending it through the Instant Card app. The recipient will receive an email with guidance on downloading the app and signing up as well. Once they have completed registration, the virtual card will be ready to use and can be added directly to Google Pay.
Instant Card offers a variety of great features for users to enjoy. Users can send multiple cards to one recipient, view the full card number and CVV code securely, and quickly deactivate a card when no longer needed. Additionally, the app is compatible with U.S. Bank Access® Online for easy purchase tracking. Instant Card provides businesses with a convenient way to empower their employees with spending capabilities while maintaining security and simplicity.
Simply put, the U.S. Bank Instant Card™ is a convenient solution for businesses to provide purchasing capabilities to their employees and contractors for business expenses. The process is entirely digital, allowing for real-time card creation and distribution, setting limits and activation periods, and integration with Google Pay. The user-friendly app ensures security and convenience. To get started with Instant Card, contact U.S. Bank at 800.344.5696 to become a customer!
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