Apk Info
androidmanifest | apk | applications
Using various tools, you can explore the apps installed on your Android device. These tools provide detailed information such as the app's name, version, installer, compatibility range, signing details, installation date or last update, and even specifics from the AndroidManifest file such as permissions, activities, and native libraries.
The package name serves as a unique identifier for each application on your device, distinguishing one app from another and is essential for tasks such as launching an app or granting permissions. The version name and code provide information about the current version of the app, including the version number and build number. The installer package refers to the package name of the app that installed the one currently in use.
The minimum and target SDK versions indicate the oldest and newest Android operating systems that the app is compatible with. The APK signature acts as a digital seal to verify the authenticity of the app and ensure it has not been tampered with. The installation and last update time provide information on when the app was installed and last updated.
The AndroidManifest file serves as a confidential repository of information regarding your app. It contains details such as the app's name, icon, theme, and other important information. Additionally, it reveals the necessary permissions for your app, the activities it can initiate, and any specialized native libraries it utilizes. In essence, it is a comprehensive resource for all the essential information about your app.
In addition to viewing details about the apps on your device, certain tools also allow you to extract either the entire APK file or specific portions of it. This can be useful for creating backups of your apps or exploring their contents. However, it is important to exercise caution when downloading APK files from unreliable sources as they may pose a risk to your device's security.
Informations about installed applications