Seating Arrangement


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seating | guests | venue


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Hello! I've got great news about an amazing seating planner app that's perfect for various events, such as weddings, hotel conferences, or organizing seating at the library. In the past, users faced a minor inconvenience with ads popping up frequently. But fret not! The ad issue has been resolved, ensuring a seamless experience for you. Just a note, though – currently, you won't find it on the Google Play Store. But don't despair! You can still watch a video that showcases all its fantastic features before leaving a comment. Trust me, it's definitely worth your time!

The premium version of the app offers a completely ad-free experience with no restrictions on its features. It enables you to display guest names at tables, manage multiple events for diverse occasions, and customize the floor plan according to your venue. This versatile app is an excellent tool for managing events or gatherings of all kinds, providing flexible seating options.不论是酒店经理还是婚礼策划者,都应考虑试用一下这款应用!

To operate the app, perform a double-tap on either the table or guest list for expanded functionalities. You can add individuals to pre-existing groups or generate new ones as needed. To arrange seating, simply drag a group from the left sidebar and安置到一个空桌, ensuring guests from that group are seated. To relocate a guest, click on an open chair, then select the desired guest. The app initially comes with a default event, but you're encouraged to create multiple events and modify the event space dimensions according to preference.

Ultimately, individuals can take a picture of the seating arrangement and share it with others.

The seating planner app is an incredibly useful tool for event organizers and managers. It offers numerous features to craft the ideal seating setup for various events. You can even manage multiple events with diverse purposes through this app. The premium version eliminates intrusive ads and unlocks all features, which is a significant advantage. Although it's currently unavailable on the Google Play Store, you can still learn more by watching a video before leaving a comment to discover its capabilities.

To utilize the app, simply double-tap the table or guest list, and voila! A magical array of options will unfold. You can categorize guests into groups and form new ones as needed. To relocate an entire group, just slide it from the sidebar and place it on an open table, simple and effortless. If you need to rearrange seating, click on an empty chair, then select the person you wish to move. Rest assured, there's no need to start fresh each time – the app comes with a pre-set event, but you can create multiple events and customize the floor layout to your liking. Once your seating plan is perfect, capture a screenshot and share it to wow your audience!


Hey everyone, please make sure to watch the video before leaving a comment. I assure you, it's much more impressive than you might expect.

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